Usage Policy

1. Usage policies
We want everyone to be able to use our API safely and responsibly. To that end, we've created use-case and content policies. By following them, you'll help us make sure that our technology is used for good. If we discover that your product doesn't follow these policies, we'll ask you to make necessary changes. If you don't comply, we may take further action, including terminating your account. If you're unsure whether your product follows our policies, please reach out to We'll be using a combination of automated and manual methods to monitor for policy violations. We believe this will be more effective at preventing misuse while reducing up-front friction for clients.

2. Use case policy
We prohibit building products that target the following use cases:

• Illegal or harmful industries: Includes gambling, payday lending, illegal substances, pseudo-pharmaceutical, multi-level marketing, weapons development, warfare, cybercrime, adult industries, spam, and non-consensual surveillance.

• Misuse of personal data: Includes classifying people based on protected characteristics, mining sensitive information without appropriate consent, and products that claim to accurately predict behavior based on dubious evidence.

• Promoting dishonesty: Includes testimonial generation, product or service review generation, educational dishonesty, contract cheating, and astroturfing.

• Deceiving or manipulating users: Includes automated phone calls that sound human, a romantic chatbot that emotionally manipulates end-users, automated systems (including conversational AI and chatbots) that don’t disclose that they are an AI system, or products that simulate another person without their explicit consent.

• Trying to influence politics: Includes generating political fundraising emails, or classifying people in order to deliver targeted political messages. The following set of use cases carries a greater risk of potential harm: criminal justice, law enforcement, legal, government and civil services, healthcare, therapy, wellness, coaching, finance, and news.

For these use-cases, you must:
• Thoroughly test our models for accuracy in your use case and be transparent with your users about limitations
• Ensure your team has domain expertise and understands/follows relevant laws

3. Content policy: We also don't allow you or end-users of your application to generate the following types of content:
• Spam

• Unsolicited bulk content

• Deception: Content that is false or misleading, such as attempting to defraud individuals or spread disinformation

• Malware: Content that attempts to generate ransomware, keyloggers, viruses, or other software intended to impose some level of harm

• Hate: Content that expresses, incites, or promotes hate based on identity

• Harassment: Content that intends to harass, threaten, or bully an individual

• Violence: Content that promotes or glorifies violence or celebrates the suffering or humiliation of others

• Self-harm: Content that promotes, encourages, or depicts acts of self-harm, such as suicide, cutting, and eating disorders

• Sexual: Content meant to arouse sexual excitement, such as the description of sexual activity, or that promotes sexual services